Woodview Kidz is a place where children can learn about God in a fun environment from trusted leaders in the church. There are structured games, group lessons, small group applications, crafts and much more that show the kidz that God cares and loves them.


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Embers and Sparks | Sundays 10:15aM | Ages 0-4 Years old

Woodview offers a nursery for babies and toddlers on Sunday mornings for the 10:15 Worship Hour.  The nursery is located just outside of the Worship Center.  

The nursery has two distinct areas--one for babies (birth to walking well) and one for toddlers (walking well to age 3).  Each side has age appropriate toys and activities that will engage the little ones and help make their time at church enjoyable and nurturing.

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BLAST | SUNDAY 10:15AM | Ages K-5th Grade

Children in 1st through 5th grades start the 10:15 hour in the Worship Center with their parents for a time of Praise and Worship.  Then they are dismissed to meet their teachers in the Lobby and head downstairs to BLAST for the rest of the hour.  BLAST stands for Bible Learning and Sharing Together.  This class has a Bible lesson each week, as well as other activities such as games, object lessons, and Bible challenges.

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Kidz view | Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm | Ages Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Kidz View is our Wednesday night youth group for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  It meets from 6:30 to 8:00 PM from September until May.  This group experiences all four of the principles that we strive for at Woodview. 


  • The children Worship God each week during a time of praise and worship.  

  • They Build Friendships with other children and adults through games, activities, challenges, and more. 

  • They Serve Others through quarterly service nights.  

  • They hear God's word in a fun, hands on way and are encouraged to Share Jesus with their friends.  


They meet downstairs in the Power Zone Room.   Kidz View will begins in September and runs to a couple weeks in May.  For more information about Kidz View, contact Barb @ Barb0@woodview.cc


Have kids that are between 6th-12th Grade? We offer youth group on Wednesday nights too! Click here for more information.


Upon arrival, children ages 3 to 5th grade are checked in at the Welcome Center downstairs. 

Babies and toddlers can be checked in at the nursery counter upstairs.  Parents and babies are 

given matching tags to ensure safety upon pick-up. 

Any important information (allergies, special instructions, etc.) is passed on to the child's teachers.

Fill out the Check-in Form before Sunday to save some time: