Perfect Joy
Perfect Joy
Lessons from Saint Francis of Assisi
We don’t often talk about the catholic saints. Mainly because… well… we aren’t catholic. They also have a tendency to not really make sense to us, their stories feel old and, in many cases, mystical. Their theology might not jive with us. Even so, my journey has been greatly blessed by their writings. I appreciate their passion.
One of the saints in particular has stood out to me over the years. Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis was born in Italy in 1181 to a wealthy and extremely successful family. After some life changing events (including being a prisoner of war in 1202) he eventually gave his life to Christ… and committing himself to a life of poverty. To say his dad was displeased is an understatement. He would go on to start the Franciscan Order. His ministry was laced with compassion for all of God’s creation. He even preaches to birds… he is an interesting dude.
In the short book “Little Flowers of Saint Francis” I came across this conversation between Francis and one of his followers, Brother Leo. They are on a journey through the snow from Perugia to Porziuncola (about a 4 hour walk) and they end up talking about the nature of “perfect joy.”
Saint Francis goes on to list a bunch of things that would normally be held in high esteem: obtaining great holiness to be an example to all, healing the lame, casting away demons, healing the blind and deef, raising the dead. None of which is perfect joy. He continues: If you could speak every language, know everything there is to know, explain the scriptures, predict the future… still not perfect joy. Francis is STILL not done: If you could sing like the angels, explain the cosmos, knew everything about the world and the animals that fill it, if you could preach and convert everyone to faith… STILL NOT PERFECT JOY.
That’s a lot. So, what IS perfect joy? Francis goes on to say that if they reach their destination, cold, wet, hungry and tired… and instead of being welcomed in they are turned away… THAT is perfect joy! If they can handle that injustice with patience, without complaining, and that if they can believe in faith, love, and humility… THAT is perfect joy.
I don’t know about you… but as I read through this there is a part of me that immediately cries out “NO WAY!” Give me the knowledge and skills listed in the first bit! I tend to rely on my knowledge and skills to get me where I want to go. Wanna be joyful and happy? Just work harder. Read more. Get better. Not experiencing joy? Must not be good enough… or maybe I just need a new environment to be better conducive to MY SUCCESS.
This is why I cherish what Saint Francis has to say here… he challenges my preconceived ideas of joy. So often I treat joy as some external thing to be learned and obtained. Yet… we find here that joy comes from an inner place of transformation. When I live my life in accordance to Jesus and take on His values, mission, and purpose… everything changes. When the selflessness of Jesus meets the selfishness of our world… Jesus wins. I need to be mindful that winning isn’t the real road to joy… it is learning to handle losses with love. I don’t know about you, but I know I need to spend more time focusing on my character and the way I handle disappointment, rejection, and loss. Rely less on my knowledge and skill and more on WHO I AM in Christ.